A Bright and Blooming Mother’s Day


It doesn’t take a gardner to see how a mother’s nurturing care and direction can set us on the path to a flourishing life. From an early age Mothers plant the seeds that help us form our identity and sow our concept of what’s important. Sure, we can show our moms appreciation on any day of the year, but Mother’s Day is a special time to give a gift that best symbolizes our admiration for all that they’ve done for us. And what better to symbolize your admiration for the woman who has helped you thrive throughout the years than a beautiful flower arrangement.  


Flowers are the perfect embodiment of the life that mothers bring into the world, and the time and work that goes into growing them is the perfect allegory for all the efforts that our moms put into our lives. 

At Mellano and Company we not only sell flowers, we put the seeds and grow with care the flowers and greens that are given back to people. They bring love, beauty and joy and Mother’s Day is the perfect time to gift beautiful flowers to every Mother. Whether you’re looking for a brightly decorated bouquet of tulips, or a deeply vivid arrangement of roses, Mellano and Company can help you find the ideal set of flowers to show your mom exactly how she’s impacted your life.

At Mellano and Company, we understand the impact flowers can have on those we care about. At first sight, flowers can inspire deep emotions and recall the best memories of our relationships. That’s why we’ve spent decades nurturing flowers and greens to create the most awe-inspiring arrangements, worthy of a mothers love.

Happy Mother’s Day from all of us at Mellano and Company!  

Mellano & Friends